BCCSC Committee Chairs

No part of this site may be reproduced without written permission from the BCCSC webmaster.
Agility: Pam Schuman AKC/BCCA Liaison: Pam Schuman CGC: Meaghan Edwards Events-Bounces Louise Rishoff, Mary Parker, Susann Brody Fundraising: BCCSC Board Health/Education: Louise Rishoff Herding: Louise Rishoff & Meaghan Edwards Membership: Meaghan Edwards Obedience/Rally: Meaghan Edwards Parliamentarian: Louise Rishoff Photographer: Susann Brody Programs: BCCSC Board Property: Susann Brody Shaggy Rag Newsletter: Susann Brody Specialty: Kirsten Andreassend Sunshine: Mary Parker Website: Susann Brody
Copyright © BCCSC 2016-
Acceptance and use of the information contained on this website constitutes an acknowledgement that the user hereby releases and indemnifies the BCCSC, its officers, directors, members and agents from any and all liability and damages by the user as a result of any information obtained from this website.
Agility: Pam Schuman AKC/BCCA Liaison: Pam Schuman CGC: Meaghan Edwards Events-Bounces Louise Rishoff/Mary Parker/Susann Brody Fundraising: BCCSC Board Health/Education: Louise Rishoff Herding: Louise Rishoff/Meaghan Edwards Membership: Meaghan Edwards Obedience/Rally: Meaghan Edwards Parliamentarian: Louise Rishoff Photographer: Susann Brody Programs: BCCSC Board Property: Susann Brody Shaggy Rag Newsletter Susann Brody Specialty: Kirsten Andreassend Sunshine: Mary Parker Website: Susann Brody

BCCSC Committee Chairs

No part of this site may be reproduced without written permission from the BCCSC webmaster.
Copyright © BCCSC 2016-
Acceptance and use of the information contained on this website constitutes an acknowledgement that the user hereby releases and indemnifies the BCCSC, its officers, directors, members and agents from any and all liability and damages by the user as a result of any information obtained from this website.